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The photo series is about the day and the night and the zone in between. As if the night never stops, as if the day never starts, with an eternal timelessness in between. This series is bundled in the new book with the same title 'As if the day never existed' and counts 112 pages and 67 photo works. 20 works from the series "As if the Day Never Existed" are currently exhibited in Canada during the Photogaspésie photo festival - "Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie".

Most works are shown in the publication 'As if the day never existed '

Into the night USA

Inside, USA

Girl USA

Inner land # 42

Naked, USA

NY, night

City light USA

Moon, USA

The darkest light

Night moves, USA

Lost in time, USA

Untitled, Danmark

Against the light

Part 1 of triptych USA

Part 2 of triptych USA

Enclosed, USA

Lightness, France

Awaken II USA

Inner land # 41

Inner land # 51

Inner land # 38

Twilight USA

Le bain USA


Inner land # 45

Inner land # 48

© 2024 Nele Van Canneyt

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